Five New Videos from Iowa via Florida

December 7, 2015

When other states develop and share resources, we like to pass them along in case you aren’t part of one of the many email lists out there.  We all know that coaching  isn’t a “model” which means there isn’t yet a strong theoretical foundation and a body of empirical research that supports the practices.  Many states refer to it as coaching methods or coaching strategies or coaching practices  so when you watch the first video and the interventionist uses “model” just know that she knows it’s not a model yet. (“It’s a model in development!” – Juliann Woods)

Larry Edelman developed these videos in partnership with Juliann Woods of Family Guided Routines Based Intervention (FGRBI), the Distance Mentoring Model at Florida State University, Cindy Weigel and Melissa Schnurr at the Iowa Department of Education, families, and Early ACCESS providers in Iowa. In two of the videos, a therapist reflects on her participation in the Distance Mentoring Model, her shift to using coaching, and her use of video for self-reflection. In the third video, a parent discusses the features of early intervention that have been helpful to her family. The fourth video illustrates what FGRBI looks like during an early intervention home visit, and is narrated by a provider and parent who reflect on a number of key strategies and themes. The fifth video presents a long version of the home visit above, illustrating almost the entire visit.

You can watch all five videos on the Family Guided Routines Based Intervention web site:


A Therapist Talks about Making the Shift to the Coaching Model (2:00)    An Early ACCESS occupational therapist talks about her participation in the Iowa Distance Mentoring project, how she made the shift to using coaching, and what she likes about using it.


A Parent Talks about Iowa’s Early ACCESS Program (3:46)  A parent discusses the features of early intervention that have been so helpful to her family.


A Therapist Talks about Using Video to Reflect on Early Intervention Practices (0:57)   An Early ACCESS occupational therapist talks about her participation in the Iowa Distance Mentoring project and how valuable it has been to use video to record, reflect on, and improve her early intervention practices.


A Home Visit with Julia’s Family: Using Family Guided Routines Based Intervention (9:09)  Early ACCESS occupational therapist Patty works with Julia’s mother on ways to support Julia’s communication, positioning, and participation in everyday routines. The family practices using new strategies during the visit and makes plans to use the strategies throughout the week.


A Home Visit with Julia’s Family: Using Family Guided Routines Based Intervention (35:29) Early ACCESS occupational therapist Patty works with Julia’s mother on ways to support Julia’s communication, positioning, and participation in everyday routines. The family practices using new strategies during the visit and makes plans to use the strategies throughout the week. NOTE: This is the long version of this home visit and illustrates almost the entire visit.



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