10 Seats Left for CT-AIMH Training

March 16, 2022


2022 CT-AIMH 8-Topic IMH Virtual Training Series     *Starts March 29th*

The training will seek to integrate information about the relationship between infant/toddlers and their caregivers in a practical way.

Register:  http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=6d4nveeab&oeidk=a07ej2j8rvd184ab32b

If you haven’t gone it is highly recommended!!!

The training provided to DCF/EHS/HS/HV staff and community partners by the
Connecticut Association for Infant Mental Health (CT-AIMH) will seek to integrate
information about the relationships between infant/toddlers and their caregivers
in a practical way. Working towards deeper integration between DCF, EHS/HS, HV
and their community partners.

The goal will be to understand more about parents and their young children who
are not well integrated into their communities, to understand their relationships
and to reflect on what that means for your work. The information will be
presented from a strength-based perspective.


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