2019 Infant Toddler Institute @ EdAdvance; Litchfield, CT
August 14, 2019
2019 Infant Toddler Institute
For Infant/Toddler Teachers, Early Care Providers, Home Visitors, B-3 Early Interventionists,
Program Supervisors & Administrators
DATE & TIME: Thursday, October 10, 2019
8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
355 Goshen Road, Litchfield, CT 06759
FEE: $90 (includes breakfast & lunch)
REGISTER: sullivan@edadvance.org
The Power of You: Bringing Your Best Self to Your Work with Infants, Toddlers & Their Families!
Dr. Rebecca Parilla, Ph.D., IECMH-E®
National Clinical Officer, Child First
Tools and Strategies to Promote Regulation in Self and Others
Overview of CT Association for Infant Mental Health, Endorsement & Reflective
Heidi Maderia, MS, IMH-E®
Executive Director, CT Association for Infant Mental Health Heather Bonitz-Moore, ATR-BC, LPC,
IECMH-E® Endorsement Coordinator, CT Association for Infant Mental Health
CHOICE of one 2-hour Infant Toddler Workshop:
• Early Signs of Autism
• The Importance of Play
• Trauma of Homelessness: The Impact on Infant-Toddler Health, Development & Behavior
Bruni Edwards, M.Ed. & Allison Hanson, LCSW
EdAdvance Autism Program
Lori Borysewicz, BS
Early Childhood Specialist & FRC Coordinator
Anne Giordano, MA, DSP, IMH-E®
Early Childhood Specialist, EdAdvance
Questions? contact Orie Sullivan sullivan@edadvance.org 860.567.0863 x1185
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