Month: August 2021

Deaf or Hard of Hearing Playgroup Opportunity with CTFSN

August 17, 2021

The CT Family Support Network is excited to launch a new playgroup for our statewide families with Deaf or Hard of Hearing children and siblings! This playgroup will be at Sears Park in East Hampton at the sheltered picnic tables on Lake Pocotopaug every other Wednesday from 10-12pm, beginning August 18, 2021. Check out this flyer for more information and how to register!

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Early Childhood & Family Homelessness Monthly, Virtual Drop-in-ZOOM sessions

August 9, 2021

An estimated 1.2 million children under the age of six experience homelessness each year in the United States; and young children ages birth to six are more likely to experience homelessness than any other age group. (HHS, 2016). The condition of homelessness exposes young children to extreme levels of stress and trauma, which can negatively impact their overall health and development well into the future. Providers with knowledge and a deepened understanding of the significant impact of homelessness in the lives of very young children and their families can play a critical role in mitigating these devastating, lasting effects. Join … Continue reading

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Automatic Eligibility Update Regarding Lead Exposure

August 6, 2021

In consultation with and recommendation from our Birth to Three medical advisor, Dr. Ann Milanese, the level of lead exposure for automatic eligibility has been LOWERED from 25ug/dL to 10ug/dL to better align with new guidance from the CDC in supporting children and families impacted by this toxicity. Children referred with levels of lead more than 10ug/dL within six months of a blood draw are automatically eligible for early intervention supports in CT. This update is effective immediately. The Lead Agency is also sharing this update with our partners at CT Department of Public Health (DPH), our other referral sources, … Continue reading

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Supporting the Social-Emotional Development of Young Children: Ideas, Strategies, and Resources

August 5, 2021

Webinar opportunity on supporting social-emotional development and partnering with families as they support their children’s development sponsored by the Military Families Learning Network! This webinar is scheduled for September 23, 2021 from 11 AM – 12:30 PM. For more information, check out this event flyer.

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From Feelings to Friendships: Nurturing Healthy Social-Emotional Development in the Early Years

August 5, 2021

A resource from Zero to Three! Through supportive relationships, young children can explore the world, develop empathy, and understand the difference between right and wrong. This video provides strategies for developing a strong bond and nurturing relationship with your child. View the video in English or Spanish at here.

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