Month: March 2022
10 Seats Left for CT-AIMH Training
March 16, 2022
2022 CT-AIMH 8-Topic IMH Virtual Training Series *Starts March 29th* The training will seek to integrate information about the relationship between infant/toddlers and their caregivers in a practical way. Register: If you haven’t gone it is highly recommended!!! The training provided to DCF/EHS/HS/HV staff and community partners by the Connecticut Association for Infant Mental Health (CT-AIMH) will seek to integrate information about the relationships between infant/toddlers and their caregivers in a practical way. Working towards deeper integration between DCF, EHS/HS, HV and their community partners. The goal will be to understand more about parents and their young … Continue reading
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Draft Part C Application
March 2, 2022
Each year Connecticut submits an application to the US Department of Education (ED) Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) for about $4M in funding to support the administration of Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA Part C). Here is a link to the draft FFY22 Part C Application. Written comment on the draft application must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 26, 2022. Comments should be sent to the attention of Nicole Cossette, by mail at the Office of Early Childhood, 450 Columbus Boulevard Suite #205, Hartford, CT, 06103-1835; by Fax 860-622-2789 or by … Continue reading
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