25th Anniversary (FY18) Data Report is Available Online!

August 28, 2019

In the past we called these “Baby Books” and for many years they were professionally designed and printed.  Then when funding was tight we cut back and produced simple PDFs online in house.

Since we celebrated our 25th anniversary as a state system on October 1st, 2018, the OEC wanted to support designing and printing this special report.

All the reports can be found here https://www.birth23.org/how-are-we-doing/annualdata/ and FY18 is at the top.

FY19 will be posted more quickly as we go back to reporting this in a way that costs less including linking to CTData.org and other public and open data sites where we already share information about Birth to Three.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the many reviews and for your patience.


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