Annual Part C Application

Each year Connecticut submits an application to the US Department of Education (ED) Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) for about $5M in funding to support the administration of Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA Part C).

Here is a link to the application submitted to OSEP on May 13, 2024: FFY24 Part C Application

Here is a link to the approved FFY23 Part C Application

Here is a link to the approved FFY22 Part C Application.

Here is a link to the approved FFY21 Part C Application.

Here is a link to the approved FFY20 Part C Application.

This is a link the US Dept. of Education website that has older applications:

The following are Policies related to the Federal Application for Part C funds:

Administration Policy

Early Intervention Services Policy

Eligibility Policy

Fiscal Policy (Updated May 2022)

Transition Policy (Updated and Effective May 20, 2021)


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