Coaching Institute for Early Childhood – July 19 & 20
June 16, 2017
Are you interested in learning about coaching models and improving your practice? This two-day institute will support levels of beginner, intermediate and experienced coaches in the early intervention field. Outcomes: Examine different coaching models that support early childhood providers and parents; Learn more about the core principles of coaching as outlined by Rush & Shelden; Explore differences in coaching process when context/setting is considered; Reflect on your coaching disposition; Understand the different roles related to coaching vs. supervision vs. consultation. This training is sponsored by All Our Kin, CT. Birth to Three, CT. Head Start, Office of Early Childhood, EASTCONN, Hartford Foundation, RESC Alliance, UCONN Disabilities Center. For providers in Birth to Three that have already received training and TA from Rush & Shelden this may be repetitive. For more information contact or the Birth to Three Calendar.