“Joint Part C/Part B Early Intervention convening with CT Leaders in the field of ASD”

June 1, 2021
Due to an enthusiastic response, we have increased the capacity of slots to attend on June 8th. If you have previous tried to register and were told the convening was closed, you are in luck! Please take a moment to register now! The meeting link will be forwarded upon registration.
*Advanced registration required!
Joint Part C/Part B Early Intervention convening with CT Leaders in the field of ASD
Please join Alice Ridgway, Part C Coordinator, Nicole Cossette, Assistant Part C Coordinator and Dr. Andrea Brinnel, SDE IDEA 619 Part B Manager in welcoming Dr. Ann Milanese, Dr. Marianne Barton, and Dr. Christine Peck to discuss challenges and advances around providing supports to children and families, especially as they transition from Birth to Three to preK special education.

· How are early diagnosis and intensive supports changing children’s developmental trajectories? What are the implications?

· Is an ASD diagnosis the most accurate diagnosis for some children?

· How can we best support relationships as families embark on their child’s educational journey and in the community?

· How can we support the families and professionals to develop collaborative relationships as models of support changes?

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