Transition Policy Available for Public Comment

April 1, 2021


The draft policy available here TransitionPolicy-DRAFT-1Apr2021 is being proposed as an addition to the Birth to Three Transition Policy currently on file with the US Department of Education.  The Office of Early Childhood (OEC) as the lead agency for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part C “Birth to Three”, in partnership with the Connecticut State Department of Education, proposes to extend the definition of “Eligible Children” in Connecticut General Statute (CGS) §17a-248, Definitions (4), as well as §§38a-490a and 38a-516a.  This policy changes the maximum age for children who

  • previously received early intervention services,
  • who are eligible for preschool services under section 619 of the IDEA, and
  • who turn age three on or after May 1 of each year through the start of the school year after their third birthday.

Once the policy is approved, parents of children who meet all three criteria above will be able to choose to continue Part C Birth to Three early intervention services beyond “36 months” or their “third birthday” until the beginning of the school year following the child’s third birthday. The language in the related state statutes will be waived by the approved policy. NOTE: The effective date for this proposed policy change will be after it has been reviewed and approved by the United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs as part of an amendment to the FY20-21 Part C application.

Written comment on the draft policy must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, May 3, 2021.

Comments should be sent to the attention of Alice E. Ridgway, Part C Coordinator, by e-mail at or by FAX to 860-622-2789

Two public hearings concerning the proposed policy amendment will be held as follows:

Monday, May 3, 2021 at 11:00 a.m Click here to Join a TEAMS video conference
Or call in (audio only) 860-840-2075,,816254427#

Monday, May 3, 2021 at 5:00 p.m Click here to Join a TEAMS video conference
Or call in (audio only) 860-840-2075,,71861459#

In addition to this policy, the OEC will make drafts of the written notification to parents of their rights and responsibilities in determining whether their child will continue to receive early intervention services available for stakeholder input as soon as possible.  A webinar will be held, recorded and posted to train service coordinators and school district staff about the approved policy as well as the use of the two forms mentioned in the policy.


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