Periodic Reviews of the IFSP
April 27, 2015
Have you heard that there is no such thing as a “6 month review”? They are called periodic reviews because all IFSPs have to be reviewed ”every six months, or more frequently if conditions warrant, or if the family requests such a review.” That is from IDEA Part C §303.342(b)(1).
Recently 24 programs received lists of IFSP reviews that were more than 6 months apart (a.k.a. late). Since we have lots of time to plan ahead, these should only be delayed due to documented extraordinary family circumstances or severe weather.
A periodic review is best done in person but it can be done “by another means that is acceptable to the parents and other participants” §303.342(b)(2). This is described on page 5 of the IFSP procedure.
Since the “annual meeting to evaluate the IFSP […] must be conducted on at least an annual basis”, § 303.342(c), if the due date for the annual meeting is more than six months after the last IFSP review, you can hold the annual meeting early and it will be on time for both IDEA requirements. Just remember that an “annual IFSP” is a full IFSP not just a review and “the results of any current evaluations and other information available from the assessments of the child and family […] must be used.”