Public Hearing Regarding DORS-BESB Children’s Services Policy Manual
February 28, 2017
This is your chance to provide feedback on BESB children’s services and collaboration with the Birth to Three system. You can also provide written testimony and comments via email below.
The State of Connecticut, Department of Rehabilitation Services, Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind (BESB) will be conducting a public hearing on Wednesday, April 12, 2017 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 184 Windsor Avenue, Windsor, CT and simultaneously by teleconference. The purpose of the hearing is to offer the public, consumers, advocates, agencies and organizations the opportunity to provide comments pertaining to proposed changes to the policies that govern the administration of the Children’s Services Program. These proposed changes incorporate modifications to existing policy resulting from previous changes to Connecticut General Statutes, Section 10-295. The Bureau is also proposing to update and make modifications to existing policy language in certain areas. A Preamble, that is available for review at the link immediately below and also at, in the “Upcoming Events and Announcements” Section and in the “Services for Children” Section provides an overview of the proposed changes to each Section.
Comments may be submitted in person or through teleconference at the public hearing, or may be submitted at any time during this public comment period via email to:; mailed to Brian Sigman, Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind, 184 Windsor Avenue, Windsor, CT, 06095, or recorded onto voice mail at (860) 602-4008. To participate in the public hearing through teleconference, please call (860) 602-4008 at least one business day prior to the public hearing to obtain the call-in phone number and access code. All comments received prior to the close of business on Monday, April 17, 2017 will be fully considered.
Children’s Services Policy Manual Draft Revision Preamble 2017
Children’s Services Policy Manual Draft Revision 2017