Are you interested in starting a Local Interagency Coordinating Council in your community?

June 26, 2014

The Birth to Three System is interested in funding new community Local Interagency Coordinating Councils (LICC). Currently LICC’s
exist in Danbury, Torrington and Lower Fairfield area. Connecticut’s LICCs are independent advisory bodies; therefore their internal structure is as individualized as the LICC itself. LICCs are required by statute to meet at least four times per year.  Most LICCs
meet more often or hold additional events on interesting topics each year.  Most LICCs, however, have one, two, or three
identified chairs or officers to enhance group direction, facilitate the LICC planning and implementation of activities, and ensure completion  of the necessary reports to the Birth to Three System.

The maximum funding available is $1,500 per fiscal year and funds are used for parent member reimbursement for reasonable and
necessary expenses (such as childcare and transportation) incurred while fulfilling LICC duties and presentation costs.

For more information or to start a LICC in your local community, contact Anna Hollister at 860-418-8716 or  for an application.  





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