Reflections from a Family: We are getting it RIGHT!

June 14, 2018

From an interventionist in the field:  

I just wanted to share a “feel good” Birth to Three story. It’s from a family who has been with me for a year and a half now and tomorrow turns three, so today we said “goodbye”. We were reflecting on our time together and all the progress her son has made. When she first started with CT. Birth to Three she had just left NY where her son was receiving services through the medical model.

 I asked her how CT’s Birth to Three natural learning environment model varied from the NY medical model and she told me she felt both of them learned and grew more since coming to CT. She said “When I was in NY and he was with his PT they were giving him all these exercises on fancy equipment. And when I came here I thought I was going to have to buy all of that stuff. But he’s learned more now then he did there.” And she attributed it to us using what she had and meeting them where they were. It was a pretty awesome moment and I wanted to share it with you!



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