SSIP Evaluation Update

October 3, 2016

FY16 (July 15-June 2016) was last year.  Now we are in FY17 and we are reporting to OSEP about what we did in FY16 ……but to them it’s FY15.

Sometimes we use FFY 15/ SFY 16 just to be clear because even though the Federal FY and State FY look different, it’s the same year.

So what does this have to do with the SPP /APR and SSIP?   Well, we are looking at how to summarize what we did during FFY15/SFY16 to reach our State-identified Measureable Result or SiMR.   The SiMR is here.

On page 52 of this PDF (Phase I and II of the SSIP report) you’ll see the logic model which then leads directly to the evaluation plan for the SSIP.

Over the next few months the leaders for Education and Outreach (Aileen), Professional Development (Deb) and Fiscal Enhancements (Alice) will be reaching out to their implementation teams in order collect and analyze data about how we have made progress toward and/or met our short-term and long-term objectives.

We will provide regular updates here so you can follow along at home!  We also will use this analysis to determine whether we need to modify our SSIP.

Your input is critical!

If we plan to revise the SSIP we will have to describe to OSEP how stakeholders were included in the decision-making process and provide evaluation data to support our reasons.


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