Tag: DaSy

New COS Session Added to Module!

August 25, 2015

Huh? Previously we posted about a free online learning module for the Child Outcome Summary (COS) Process A fourth session has just been added outlining the 7-point scale used to indicate a child’s status on each of the three outcomes at a given point in time.  The 7-point scale indicates how the child’s current functioning compares to age-expected functioning for his or her chronological age Below is the direct link to the site where you can learn more and register for access to the module. http://dasycenter.org/child-outcomes-summary-cos-process-module-collecting-using-data-to-improve-programs/

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Parent Training Opportunity – Understanding Data

June 3, 2015

Family Leaders Institute by DaSy* – What’s in a number? Do you know a parent leader who is seeking training in understanding children’s educational data? One parent can be sponsored to go to Atlanta, Georgia this October 6 and 7 and learn how to meaningfully engage as a stakeholder in conversations about data. This institute is intended to help the parent advocate for improvements in Part C and preschool special education. Go to http://dasycenter.sri.com/downloads/FLI_flyer.pdf for more information.   *DaSy is the Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems

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