Update on Re-Referrals
August 15, 2016
Families’ involvement with Birth to Three may start and stop, then restart for a variety of reasons. When the child is Exited from SPIDER, then the family contacts you or their service coordinator to reconnect, a set of factors are considered before either the Exit is removed or a new record is created.
As of August 1st, CDI administrators Kareena DuPlessis and Shirley Caro are processing all of these requests. They follow the same decision rules that were in effect previously; no changes in protocol. This streamlined process reduces the number of steps and amount of time needed before a family reconnects with Birth to Three supports.
Please email kareena.duplessis@ctunitedway.org
and copy Shirley.CDI@ctunitedway.org with all of your re-referral needs.