Connecticut monitors programs using an integrated system that includes Self-Assessments of Compliance and Quality, Dispute Resolution, Data Analysis and Reporting and Fiscal Audits.
Current Monitoring Measures
The lead agency for Part C of IDEA has the responsibility for “general supervision” of programs. Both compliance and results measures must be monitored. Most monitoring measures can be referenced directly to federal and state laws and regulations and CT procedures. The measures are used throughout all of the Part C monitoring activities including self-assessments, data verification, focused monitoring, and complaint management
Click here of the revised Draft IDEA Compliance Monitoring Measures (as of 8/20/21) for Fall 2021 Self Assessments
Click here for an MS Excel File of the Monitoring Measures from 2012-2021
Periodically parents, providers, and lead agency staff review the results from all Part C monitoring activities. Measures may be adjusted as needed. As research in the field of early intervention continues to identify and clarify evidence based practices, the measures will be modified. In addition changes to laws or regulations and how they are interpreted impact how measures are worded. This page will always have the most current version of the measures used in CT.
Program Self-Assessments
In addition monitoring their own compliance with billing 3rd party payers such as Medicaid, each EIS program is required to complete two self-assessment on a regular basis.
One is the Quality Practice Self-Assessment (QPSA) that tracks progress implementing the evidence-based practices being scaled up in Connecticut. Every EI Practitioner who work sees families more than 1 hour per month is required to complete the QPSA annually in the summer. It takes 10 minutes and provides rich data to their program and the lead agency.
The other self-assessment is an IDEA compliance Self-Assessment. This process results in improvement plans with timelines for correction when findings of noncompliance are identified and issued by the lead agency. The current IDEA Compliance Measures used in Connecticut are available here: Current Monitoring Measures