Make a Referral

Home > Make a Referral

Making a referral to our system is the first step in the process to evaluate a child.

Once a referral is made, Early Interventionists will meet with the family to assess the child’s strengths and challenges, and needs for support with their development. Concerns due not need to be validated and you don’t have to be an expert to make a referral. Anyone can make a referral, including:

  • Parents
  • Foster parents and guardians
  • Teachers
  • Childcare providers
  • Health care providers
  • Case workers
  • Relatives or family friends

Online Referral Form

Quickly and easily submit a referral using our online forms.

Call 1-800-505-7000 or 211

The team at 211 Child Development are standing by and ready to help you complete the referral. Interpretation for these calls is available at no cost.

Fax Your Referral

Download this form and follow the instructions to fax it to us. Please do not summit additional information, such as a well child visit summary.