Below are links to Connecticut’s current Service Guidelines and related documents. Also included are some links to other information and materials that may be helpful to providers when working with families and community programs.
Connecticut Service Guidelines
- #1 – Autism Guideline
- #2 – Natural Environments
- #3 – Children with Delays in Speech
- #4 – Infant Mental Health
- #5 – Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
- #6 – Nutrition (pending revision)
- #7 – Children with Complex Medical Needs
- Assistive Technology Guidelines Part C Birth to Three (Section 2)
- AT Executive Summary 2014
Assistive Technology Guidelines
- Assistive Technology Guidelines Part C Birth to Three (Section 2)
- AT Executive Summary 2014
- Complete Assistive Technology Guideline Section 1 (3-21) and Section 2 Part C Birth to Three
- Activity Based Teaming Implementation Checklist The purpose of the checklist is for Birth to Three providers to gauge fidelity with activity based teaming practices. The indicators found on this checklist are similar to those that will eventually make up the program self-assessment.
Working with Families and Community Partners
- 2014 Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards
- CT ELDS and Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP) alignment
- The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) “What Works” Briefs
- Mental Health Resources for Children under Age Three is a list of the mental health professionals who presented at the December 6 meeting at NEAT. It contains their contact information, website information (if they have one) and a brief description of their programs.
Other Handbooks & Materials
Activity Based Teaming Implementation Checklist The purpose of the checklist is for Birth to Three providers to gauge fidelity with activity based teaming practices. The indicators found on this checklist are similar to those that will eventually make up the program self-assessment.
Working With Families and Community Partners
Here are some links to other information and materials that may be helpful to providers when working with families and community programs:
- Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards – published 2014
- CT ELDS and Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP) alignment
- The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) “What Works” Briefs
- Mental Health Resources for Children under Age Three is a list of the mental health professionals who presented at the December 6 meeting at NEAT. It contains their contact information, website information (if they have one) and a brief description of their programs.