
Home > For Providers > Procedures

Contracted Birth to Three providers must comply with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations governing Birth to Three services including the federal IDEA, FERPA, and HIPAA. Contracted programs also must comply with all Birth to Three System interagency agreements, memorandum of understandings, policies, procedures, forms and guidance documents found on the Birth to Three website.

Note about revisions: Please see the table at the bottom of this page for a summary of revisions. Please send any questions, comments or concerns regarding procedures to

Summary of Revisions

This list serves only as an announcement of changes to procedures. Please review the newest revised procedure in full.

Date of RevisionProcedureRevision NumberDescription of Change
1/1/2025Intake1Final Procedure Posted
11/1/2024Remote EI1Remove 3.7 Prior Authorization
7/18/2024Insurance Billing1Remove 1.1.1 bullet, 3.1.1, #3 and #3a, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, and box note