The Sparkler “Once Upon a Time”  summer learning program (Birth – 5 years old) launched for CT families on July 3rd.  

Please encourage all families to join us for weekly folktale told by a storyteller from the culture where the story originated including learning activities! We hope parents/caregivers with young children can have some fun while learning over the summer (see the Camp 2023 Schedule down below). Please click the links below to access the first story, family and or provider facing websites, and the provider kit.  

Week 1: The first story is about the First Fire: A Cherokee Legend

Here’s the family-facing website: Here’s the provider-facing website:

Provider kits in English, Spanish, and Chinese!

Camp 2023 Schedule

Week 1, July 3-9: The First Fire, a Cherokee story (North America)

Week 2, July 10-16: The Two Frogs Who Hop Between Osaka and Kyoto, a Japanese story (Asia)

Week 3, July 17-23: How the Beetle Got Her Gorgeous Coat, a Brazilian story (South America) 

Week 4, July 24-30: The Enormous Turnip, a Russian story (Europe)

Week 5, July 31-Aug 6: The Empty Pot, a Chinese story (Asia) 

Week 6, Aug 7-13: Why the Cheetah’s Cheeks are Stained with Tears, a Zulu story (Africa)

Week 7, Aug 14-20: The Rainbow Serpent, an Aboriginal Australian story (Australia)

Week 8, Aug 21-27: Now it’s YOUR turn! Let’s tell stories! (Global)