
Home > Make a Referral > Eligibility

Eligibility Requirements

Children under age three who live in Connecticut are eligible for Birth to Three System supports because they either:

  • show a significant developmental delay of -2 SD  in one or -1.5 SD in two or more areas, or
  • have a diagnosed medical condition that has a high probability of resulting in a developmental delay

A professional evaluation team meets with the parents and child in their home and use one or more standardized tests to evaluate the child’s strengths and needs.

All areas of development are evaluated regardless of the reason for referral,  including:

  • cognitive skills – problem solving, memory, learning
  • communication skills – understanding and expressing ideas, following directions, pointing, talking
  • social or emotional behaviors – relationships and expressing emotions
  • physical development –  seeing, hearing, movements and health
  • adaptive skills –  self-help or daily living skills

All children aged 16 months and older are also screened for an autism spectrum disorder.

Families of eligible children are offered comprehensive supports to meet their goals for their child and family and connect with their community.


Sharing Results
Parent Consent to Share Information Form


Not Eligible?

Families of children who are evaluated and found to be not eligible are offered participation in the Ages and Stages (ASQ)  child development monitoring program, and are given information about other supports in their community that may better meet their needs.

Re-Referral after a child is found Not Eligible

If you are still concerned about the child’s development 90 days or more after a child is found not eligible, please request an updated evaluation by calling 1-800-505-7000 or cdi.211ct.org .

Almost 3 years old?

Any child who will turn three years old within 45 days is given information about seeking preschool special education supports and services from their local school district under the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B.


The Connecticut Birth to Three System does not serve infants and toddlers who are at risk for delay due to environmental causes.