Good afternoon! I am writing to inform you of an upcoming unique, free, web-based professional development opportunity for professionals working with children ages birth through 22 years of age.
Who Are We?
- OneOp is a grant funded by the US Dept. of Defense and Dept. of Agriculture (Award #2023-48770-41333). OneOp provides free, evidence-based, online professional development in both live and on-demand formats. Our team from the University of Illinois hosts webinars relevant to education-related professionals working with military-connected and civilian children and youth (ages birth to 22 years), including those with disabilities. Our presenters are typically university faculty professors and/or doctoral students.
What Do We Offer For Free?
- During the 2025 programming year we will host a series of nine webinars as a part of our series, “Uniquely Wired: A Deep Dive into Diverse Cognitive Variations.” This series is dedicated to supporting struggling learners in education and education-related settings and highlights the broad spectrum of neurodiversity, emphasizing a range of cognitive variations, such as ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism, and more.
- Free continuing education credits from a variety of providers for those who participate in the live or view the on-demand sessions.
How Is the Content Vetted?
- Our team consists of two life-long Special Education academicians (Ph.D. level) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and several Dept. of Defense subject matter experts, plus myself, a masters level educator.
- Our presenters are faculty professors and educational researchers from a variety of institutions of higher education around the United States.
- Our team and presenters work together to develop content that is always research-informed, evidence-based, and a reflection of current best-practices in education.
My Ask of You
- Please share these opportunities with relevant professionals you know and work with as an opportunity to continue their own professional growth. We recognize our content may not be eligible for any professional development hours or continuing education credits as required by your state and that the continuing education credits we supply may not be of use to the professionals you know. However, our programming is still valuable for individuals’ professional growth as an educator or education-related professional.
Please see the attached fliers regarding our series and the first three webinars in our series. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.
Robyn DiPietro, Ed.M. (she/her)
Asst. Project Director, OneOp
College of Education, Special Education Dept.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign