EI on the FLY podcasts!!
October 25, 2019
EI on the Fly: A podcast all things Early Intervention is live! This podcast is a collaborative effort of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Partnership for People with Disabilities/Virginia Commonwealth University.
The work of early intervention (EI) is complex, challenging at times, and lots of fun. You meet different families, work in homes and other community settings, watch infants and toddlers grow and learn, and yes – spend a lot of time in your car. This podcast is designed so EI practitioners like you can easily listen between visits or on breaks during your busy day.
Each episode focuses on an important topic that is discussed by two experienced EI professional development specialists who have also been service coordinators, service providers, and parents of children enrolled in EI. Listen often to learn, reflect on your practices, and hear a few tips to do the work you do well even better.
New episodes will be released monthly. To subscribe or listen, visit Podbean or find EI on the Fly wherever you follow your favorite podcasts. You can also find more information on the Podcasts page on the EITC site above.
Virginia EI contracts with VCU to develop these materials. Thanks to Virginia for funding the original development and to MA for letting us know about these resources.