Our Videos
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20 minute coaching video describes the practices of coaching as a style of interaction. Reviews the five key characteristics of coaching with video examples on a Birth to Three home visit, in-home childcare, and center based childcare.
Other’s Videos
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Here is a video about family outcomes!
Edelman, L. (Producer) (2017). Supporting Children by Improving Family Outcomes (Video). Published collaboratively by the Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems (DaSy); the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA); the Desired Results Access Project, Napa County Office of Education, funded by the California Department of Education, Special Education Division; and collaborating partners.
This is a link to a video about child outcomes.
Edelman, L. (Producer). (2011). Child Outcomes Step By Step (Video). Published collaboratively by Results Matter, Colorado Department of Education; Desired Results access Project, Napa County Office of Education; and Early Childhood Outcomes Center.
Harper Hope: A Parent’s View of the Power of Early Intervention (runtime 15:03)
This is an important video for families who are, or will be, receiving early intervention services as well as for current and future early intervention practitioners. In Part 1, Karis and Mike share intimate reflections about their daughter’s birth and early months in the NICU; in Part 2, Karis articulately describes and illustrates the role of early intervention in their lives.
Videos for programs about how to use our database are located under For Providers >> SPIDER videos.