Month: November 2014

FY14 Town By Town Referrals and Children Served

November 17, 2014

Get the details for each town in Connecticut on: how many babies were born in 2013, how many referrals were made for a Birth to Three evaluation how many children were served by the CT Birth to Three System Check out your own town or the towns you serve by clicking here: Look for trend data by checking earlier fiscal year reports posted under About Birth to Three on the menu to the left , then select Annual Data Reports. For non-PDF versions of this data please contact

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Assistive Techology Guidelines

November 4, 2014

The Assistive Technology Guidelines for Part C have been posted

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Birth to Three Trainings

November 4, 2014

We have several trainings coming up on our December Training Calendar: Babies Have Lots To Learn: Focus on Motor Development in the First Year:   Presented by Linda Bamonte PT, DPT (Birth to Three Training Office) and Cindy Jackson, MSPT, C.NDT (Children’s Therapy Services). Focus will be on key points of typical motor development in the first year of life with emphasis on “quality” motor performance. CT. Early Learning & Development Standards:  The CT. Early Learning and Development Standards (CT ELDS) were developed through the work of the CT. Early Childhood Education Cabinet and its Learning Standards Workgroup, and included input from the Birth to Three System.  … Continue reading

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Routines-Based Home Visiting Institute

November 4, 2014

Siskin Children’s Institute is taking applications for the Routines-Based Home Visit Training Institute, occurring April 20-24, 2015 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. This week-long intensive professional-development event will provide participants with hands-on training on home-visiting practices according to the Routines-Based Model.

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