Category: Service Guidelines

New Knowledge and Skills for Service Coordinators

September 24, 2020

Visit the KSSC to learn more about how they may be used to support and guide Part C Early Intervention programs fulfilling the federal requirement of service coordination. To stay connected and informed on new and existing service coordination initiatives join the DEC Service Coordination Community of Practice!

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Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards (CT ELDS)

January 12, 2015

The CT ELDS were developed through the work of the Connecticut Early Childhood Education Cabinet and its Early Learning Standards Workgroup and published by the Office of Early Childhood. In addition, over 100 state and national experts participated in some way during the development process, helping to ensure a strong and comprehensive set of Early Learning Standards for Connecticut.  The CT ELDS and a document that aligns the standards with the Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP) can now be found on the Birth to Three website.

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Assistive Techology Guidelines

November 4, 2014

The Assistive Technology Guidelines for Part C have been posted

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October 28, 2014

Now that the diagnosis of SSD has been utilized for several months and program staff have given feedback there will be a few changes to the process to expedite the child being made eligible and allow the program to ensure an audiological is completed as part of the assessment. Children with a speech sound disorder can now be determined to be eligible for services prior to having an audiological evaluation completed. However, since the audiological assessment is integral to determining appropriate IFSP services, an Interim IFSP must be completed that identifies the needs for an audiological to complete the assessment … Continue reading

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Updated Assistive Technoloy Guidelines

August 26, 2014

The update AT Guidelines for Part C have been posted under Service Guidelines. A link to the complete AT Guideline with Part B and Part C, as well as the Executive Summary are also available on the Service Guideline page.

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