Month: June 2017
Change in Family Payment Process & Billing Vendor
June 29, 2017
The Connecticut Birth to Three System has contracted with Public Consulting Group, Inc. (PCG) to process Family Cost Participation payments. Beginning July 1, 2017 PCG will replace Summit Technologies and will manage the invoice, payment process and suspension letters. Read this letter for full details.
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Failure to Thrive and Oral Aversion in Immigrant Infants and Toddlers
June 27, 2017
Recent research on the increased frequency of developmentally and physical normal infants and toddlers of immigrant families presenting with a history of refusing to eat or take the breast or bottle for feeding.
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Coaching Institute for Early Childhood – July 19 & 20
June 16, 2017
Are you interested in learning about coaching models and improving your practice? This two-day institute will support levels of beginner, intermediate and experienced coaches in the early intervention field. Outcomes: Examine different coaching models that support early childhood providers and parents; Learn more about the core principles of coaching as outlined by Rush & Shelden; Explore differences in coaching process when context/setting is considered; Reflect on your coaching disposition; Understand the different roles related to coaching vs. supervision vs. consultation. This training is sponsored by All Our Kin, CT. Birth to Three, CT. Head Start, Office of Early Childhood, EASTCONN, … Continue reading
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Workshop: Promoting Social Competence
June 16, 2017
Promoting Social Competence: Using quality practices to plan and prevent challenging behaviors in young children. UConn Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) is offering a summer workshop for Early Childhood professionals on the knowledge and skills needed to implement effective early childhood practices to address challenging behaviors. Areas of focus will include: Precipitators of Behavior Challenges, Multi-Tiered Levels of Student Support, Curriculum and Adaptations, Family Partnerships, Relationships. More Information!
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BDI 2 has new norms!
June 16, 2017
The BDI-2 NU has been released with new norms that reflect changes in race, region and socioeconomic status. The changes in norms on the BDI-2 NU relative to the BDI-2 require slightly higher raw scores in several domains in order to achieve the same scaled score. The effect in the 0-3 age group is not as significant as with the 3.5-5 year old group but is notable in the personal-social, adaptive and communication areas, making it more likely for children to meet eligibility criteria. The current BDI-2 kit remains valid however programs should purchase the new examiner manual which has … Continue reading
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FREE Summer Meals for Kids!
June 8, 2017
Summer Meals Programs provide FREE, federally funded, healthy meals and snacks for children 18 and younger during the summer when school meals are no longer available. There are more than 600 Summer Meals locations statewide! The Summer Meals program is administered by the CT Department of Education. Click here for more information including a list of locations.
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DADDY MATTERS (a 4-Part Web Series)
June 5, 2017
ZERO TO THREE ZERO TO THREE has teamed up with YouTube star La Guardia Cross to create “Daddy Matters,” a 4-part web series that launches today with new episodes every Friday through the month of June. We’ll kick things off with a Facebook Live tonight at 7pm Eastern. Please join us! Daddy Matters explores why dads matter and what matters to dads. La Guardia is the creator of New Father Chronicles which captures life with his adorable young daughters. His candid and always comedic take on life as a dad has drawn millions of engaged viewers and sparks lively conversations on his … Continue reading
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