Month: May 2020
Vision Screening Tools for Children From Birth to Age 3
May 29, 2020
The National Center for Children’s Vision and Eye Health at Prevent Blindness and School Health Corporation is hosting a webinar on June 4, 2020, 3:00 – 4:30 pm EST about vision screening tools for children aged birth to 3 years, as well as resources to support parent education about children’s vision and accessing eye care. They will also discuss: The impact of uncorrected vision disorders on a child’s development, behavior, and learning 18 vision development milestones that occur in the first year of life Vision screening tools for children ages birth to 3 years Free resources for parents/caregivers to support … Continue reading
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Norm-referenced Tools list from ECTA
May 13, 2020
ECTA Center has offered a list of norm-referenced tools was compiled to assist states and programs with identifying assessments that can be administered when the assessor cannot be in the room with the child. Norm-referenced tools with parent interview sections.
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30 years of Autism Research in New Report
May 11, 2020
UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute (FPG), who lead the National Clearinghouse on Autism Evidence and Practice, have completed an updated systematic review of literature related to interventions for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), uncovering new information on what practices produce positive outcomes for children and youth through age 22. The new report: “Evidence-Based Practices for Children, Youth, and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.”
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Have you seen the Remote EI Videos?!
May 5, 2020
Here is the link to ECTA’s “Provider Use of Technology” webpage: When you scroll down you’ll see a series of video’s by Larry Edelman including these three. A Home Visit with Ares’ Family. Ohio speech-language pathologist Lindsay Miketa delivers an early intervention home visit during the COVID-19 pandemic. The video illustrates the experience of a family new to early intervention that has only received home visits via video conferencing. The story is accompanied by insightful observations offered by Lindsay and Ares’ parents, Jacqueline and Daniel. A Home Visit with Sam’s Family. This video illustrates an early intervention home visit … Continue reading
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ECI Over 3!
May 4, 2020
Did you know that the combination of supports under the IDEA from Birth to Kindergarten is referred to Early Childhood Intervention (ECI)? Connecticut is very fortunate to have a nimble state government that puts the needs of families first. Two weeks ago Executive Order 7 DD authorized the Joint OEC/ CSDE Memo #19 implementing supports for families with children who are eligible for Part C who turn three during the COVID-19 PHE. When a school district can’t determine eligibility for Part B due to school closures, Birth to Three can continue to provide Early Intervention Services (EIS). The specifics are … Continue reading
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