Month: October 2016
Third Party Medical Record Requests
October 31, 2016
Efforts to protect the confidentiality of young patients’ medical records have recently produced requests by at least one large medical center that the B23 provider include a copy of the parent’s photo ID with signature (e.g., driver license) with the signed authorization so that signature verification may be obtained. A per-page fee may also be charged. Here are links to two medical centers’ information and Authorization to Release forms: CT Children’s Medical Center – medical record information Yale New Haven Health – medical record information
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Research Supporting Parent-Led Intervention for Children with Autism
October 28, 2016
As noted in Disability Scoop, for the first time, researchers say they have evidence that parent-led intervention for young kids with autism continues to yield gains several years later. Children who participated in an intervention between the ages of 2 and 4 displayed less severe symptoms six years later, exhibiting fewer repetitive behaviors and better social communication, according to findings published this week in the journal The Lancet.
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New trainings and webinars added to the Calendar
October 28, 2016
Please check out the Birth to Three training calendar for recent additions of trainings and webinars that may be of interest! Some topics include: Annual CT. Down Syndrome Conference with discounted rates for Birth to Three personnel, Fragile X Conference, webinars on dual language learners and gluten-free diets in the pediatric population. The Natural Learning Environments training on November 16th still has a few spots left. Don’t get closed out!
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“Save Birth to Three” Facebook Clarification
October 25, 2016
Despite what some have heard there have been no cuts to the funding of the Birth to Three System. Last year there was a $6 million deficit and the Connecticut General Assembly covered it. This year Birth to Three was allocated the same amount of state funds (a.k.a. “level” or “flat” funded) so there is another shortfall predicted this year. The State has to change how Birth to Three programs are paid, both for families with children who are eligible for Medicaid and for those who are not. The new billing rates have not been proposed yet and will not … Continue reading
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Fragile X Conference SOON
October 11, 2016
Targeting Social Skills and Behavioral Strategies for School, Work and Fun Saturday, November 12, 2016 8:00 am – 5:00 pm University of Connecticut Health Center Farmington, Connecticut Featuring Internationally Renowned Fragile X and Autism Spectrum Disorder Experts Jennifer Epstein, PsyD Licensed Clinical Psychologist Jane Thierfeld Brown, EdD Yale Child Study Jonathan Picker, MBChB, PhD Boston Children’s Hospital $60 per person, which includes breakfast, lunch and a conference binder. CEU credit & Attendance Certificate available on request. Online Registration or and search for “Fragile X” Register by October 29, 2016 In lieu of Online Registration, pay by Check, made payable to “NFXF” … Continue reading
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Birth to Three Unsung Hero
October 11, 2016
Many of you may have read or heard about the Office of the Child Advocate’s recent report on Baby Dylan. Dylan was 13 months when he was removed from his biological parents by the Department of Children and Families (DCF) and put in a relative placement with a cousin of his mother. In this placement, Dylan was badly abused and neglected, resulting in broken bones, malnourishment and near death. What you may not be aware of is that Birth to Three was involved in this case. A social worker with one of our programs made nine separate reports to the caseworker … Continue reading
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SSIP Evaluation Update
October 3, 2016
FY16 (July 15-June 2016) was last year. Now we are in FY17 and we are reporting to OSEP about what we did in FY16 ……but to them it’s FY15. Sometimes we use FFY 15/ SFY 16 just to be clear because even though the Federal FY and State FY look different, it’s the same year. So what does this have to do with the SPP /APR and SSIP? Well, we are looking at how to summarize what we did during FFY15/SFY16 to reach our State-identified Measureable Result or SiMR. The SiMR is here. On page 52 of this PDF (Phase … Continue reading
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